Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Long Exposure Studio Session

It's time to catch up!!

Following tradition, below are the contact sheets of all we shot in this session (unedited). My next post should contain a selection of these in bigger size with further comments.

Starting with a note to self, I must from now on try to post soon after shooting, because it's always much harder trying to remember details of what happened a month ago =S
I'll try my best...

So yeah, we did this workshop in groups, and the whole experience was VERY fun! :)
We alternated behind and in front of the cameras, holding up flash guns, contributing with ideas...

We started by experimenting with multiple exposures, which I've never done before, and was one of my favourite parts!
Somebody would be in control of the camera, and would press the shutter button on a long exposure (the very first shot was 13 seconds long, which was way too over exposed. The second shot was 5 seconds long, then we settled on 3.2 seconds), somebody else would hold and manually trigger the flash several times (sometimes moving it around to try to get the light coming from different angles), and obviously, someone would "model" (or most likely "jump around making silly faces" in front of the camera).

As it progressed, I feel we started to get more creative with what to do in front of the camera.
One of my favourite ideas was to perform a "fight"! I think it worked really well and it was a lot of fun!
The one I liked the result best was the one in which three of us walk towards the camera almost looking a bit like zombies (oh, wait, I think that's just me! lol)

Then the next experiment involved using some props, torches and glow sticks.
We did some light painting with bottles and a polystyrene head.
(These were 5 seconds long, with the exception of the last one which was 3.2 seconds)

Then it was time to draw or write in mid-air!

I got to experience this in college, so I skipped "writing my own name" and tried to draw things... well, I attempted writing "Happy Birthday" too, but to achieve something decent you gotta do it too many times, and I didn't want to monopolise the session. I think I ran out of time on all attempts - choosing to write in cursive letters has that downside: it's a lot more time consuming!
Well, yeah, it was good fun, interesting, but the results are far from amazing.
(These varied from 15 to 30 seconds)
It was also good to combine light painting with the flash + model. We were only triggering the flash once, which would be enough light to make the model evident without interfering too much with the rest.
Shame the room wasn't completely dark, so you can see the painter and background too.
Cool, regardless =)
I quite like these meditation ones.
The discussion one has good potential (Laura, I think, was cut out of the frame, unfortunately).

So that's it! I shall add some of these onto a new post "soon" ;)

Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave comments! x

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