Monday 7 November 2011

Product Shoot - Smirnoff Vodka

Finally!! And here are the start of my studio shoots, yay!

One of the products I chose to make an advertising campaign for was Smirnoff Vodka.
Below are the contact sheets of my shoot outcome. The bra will make sense on the final image with the text.

I placed the product and prop on a product table and used a Bowens light (on the right) with a snoot. The intensity was 4.2, though it might have started slightly weaker.
I tried silver reflector on the left, and added later a black card to the right.
Shadows and light were too harsh, so I decided to swap the snoot for a soft box. A "polystyrene wall" was also placed on the right. These changes definitely improved the results.
I also tried using both gold and silver reflectors, and must admit I much preferred the silver than the golden tone - I think it worked especially well when bounced the light back onto the name "Smirnoff".

I changed composition a few times, in order to get a varied range to pic from later. I really wish I had borrowed a smaller sized bra for the shoot, as I believe it would have worked better scale wise.
I also had issues focusing on some of the photos.
I changed tripod onto a more solid one which made a difference too.

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